
Showing posts from October, 2019

Long Time Coming

"Innocence Lost" 2019 Photography can be so much more than pretty pictures. I can also be used to raise awareness on social issues, to help create a dialogue. Unfortunately in the area I live in, the galleries and people who actually show art work, first think of photography as the step child of the arts and secondly, do not want to show anything even a little bit controversial. It's not that they can't monetize and sell the work, it's because they either are afraid to offend or maybe cause waves, or aren't brave enough to take a stand. This is not new to me, I have been aware of this since I start exhibiting my work. But I find that more and more people are afraid to take a risk, push the envelope, make a stand. They are happy with pretty pictures to fill their gallery walls. These pretty pictures are part of the reason that photography still is not taken seriously in the art world. If I mention Lewis Hines, Dorothea Lange, Walker Evens, W. Eugene ...