
Showing posts from January, 2020

Censored... Again

In my over 35 years of being a professional photographer and artist I have been censored more times than I can remember. Yes, my form of expression is photographing the nude form and yes, some of my work, about 10 years ago, did push boundaries. But they were only shown in a gallery space where the visitors knew what was being show and had to be over 21. So now, besides shooting, I teach. I teach basic photography, advanced techniques, and also studio workshops. One of which is a figure study workshop. So, in this day and age where do you advertise but on social media. The video above "was" posted on facebook but it seems it now violates their standards. even thought I was vert careful not to show anything explicit and show less than some regular posters do from their bathrooms or in their bathing suits. When a media giant like facebook who also owns Instagram dominate the market and bans a user what can be done? It seems nothing. So, I now need to find alternat...