Photography: What is Real
For the longest time, we always though that what we saw in a photograph was reality. The camera doesn't lie. Then came the dawn of digital photography and the programs for photo manipulations, and our idea of what's real, changed. Recently, I've seen the debate about photography purism spring up again. Specifically due to the new updates in Photoshop 2022 and other such programs that has made it easier and easier to manipulate, change, remove and add things to photographs. This top photo, is a photo I took of Steel Stacks in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania on a pretty but cloudless day. In about 3 minutes I was able to change what was once a very average photograph to one that has more impact and drama. Is this wrong? Am I not telling the truth? Or am I just creating an image with more feeling and drama, just like any other artist would do? Photographic manipulation is this is nothing new to photography. Photographic artists have manipulated images almost since the medium was inv...