Shelter in Place Leads to Creative Block
Morning Sunlight #ZenPhotoChallenge |
If you are like me, these last few months have been surreal. With all the shelter in place orders, closed stores and for a time, closed parks and paths, it's been hard to keep any sense or normalcy.
I've seen a lot of photographers photographing things in their home, flowers, spoons just to keep busy. Keep shooting. But for me this didn't work.
For the last 35 years I have always felt I needed to say something with my photography. Get a point across, push and issue.
But now, I have struggled with a complete creative block. The lack of even wanting to pick up my camera.
That was, until I remembered a few things I actual teach my students.
I have forgotten over the years the shear joy of just shooting. Picking up my camera and taking photos just to take them, with no expectations, no story to tell.
What got me shooting again was actually teaching my wife photography. She has always been interested and I really am not sure I never taught her how to use a DLSR until now. Better late than never I guess.
Now, I am remembering the ways I call "Zen Photography".
No chanting or Buddhist enlightenment, just letting go and shooting for the joy of the act.
The trick to this is to really let go. Not to previsualize the image or think about depth of field, shutter speeds or what anyone will think of the photo.
Believe me, as a person who is a professional photographer and spent most of his life worrying about how others see my photography, this isn't easy. But I have a way for anyone, novice or expert, to break free of any creative slump and find the Zen of photography.
My challenge to anyone actually reading this is to grab your camera and set it on Program mode "P".
I know, not manual. Let the camera do the work. Then just take photos of anything.
Don't think about composition, proper exposure or lighting, just grab your camera and shoot.
Do this everyday and when you can finally get out and shoot, you'll still have that joy and photography will be fun and any blocks will be gone.
If you try my little Zen Photography, I'd like to see the images.
Tag them on social media whether Instagram or facebook with #ZenPhotoChallenge and/or #BaronePhotoChallenge
Stay Safe and Keep Shooting!!
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